Most of you have favorite PC audio player of their own, in my case it is [Foobar2000].
In Android 6 times there was a wonderful software called [Foobar 2000 Controller].
It was made to control audio player remotely from your smartphone in a convenient way.
For some reason i recall it today and decided to record installing process for future use.
Guys from [Hydrogen Audio] forum helped me out in some questions and pointed me to the right direction.
To make things rolllin’ you need to:
- [download and install Foobar2000], latest version 2.24 is working fine
- download and install into Foobar by double clicking [HttpControl] component //download via download Raw file button
- download these [configuration files] //download via download Raw file button
- place them to
- launch Foobar and setup appropriate settings
File > Preferences > Tools > HTTP Control
Here is my options screen
Http server should be accessible by means of:
And if everything is correctly installed you should see on web page something like:
Installed templates: foobar2000controller
If so, we have the right to move on.
- download and install [Android part of software] //download via download Raw file button
- In Android greeting wizard you need to replicate your IP desktop address of machine where Foobar is installed,
enter the same port number and you are good to go
If for some reason nothing happening, try to disable your firewall or router filtering capabilities just for a time of testing.
If you don’t want to download ALL files by pressing download Raw file button million of times and
you have [Git] installed you can clone whole repository like this:
git clone
And then select all needed files that were mentioned here previously.
Following materials were used during creation of an article: