So you want to do something evil or make a present for the April’s Fool Day to your surrounding. Today we’re going to use the professional keyboard application [FilterKeys Setter] in its meanest form, will set keyboard filters to skip keystrokes, but only if the person starts typing at a faster rate.
I find out that the easiest way is to set Ignore Under parameter somewhere around 60ms, so it will be not so obvious in the beginning for the end user, that key strokes are skipping.
I think that people are sicking tired of cheap computer graphics. Everything is so plastic and unnaturally glossy these days. Miss those real video effects from early 90s. And yeah, they were so atmospheric, especially amplified effect of beam light coming out of backdrop. Evil Dead is very neat example, just look at these pieces. Make sure to watch S-Mart scene!
Evil Dead I Ending Scene Evil Dead ][ Cabin Run Evil Dead ][ Ending Scene Evil Dead ]I[ S-Mart End BLOG UPDATE ► full theme refactoring, made it more 90’ish, RGB and stuff, you know what i’m saying, fixed some issues